This is a copy from the website. That domain is in the process of being transferred. Until everything is moved, I’m dropping a copy of the script here.
Weekly Linn County ARES Net Script
Bold font = Actual net script.
Italic font = general instructions to NCS; do not read on the air
[Items inside square brackets] = insert call, first name, city, other item as appropriate
All stations on frequency, this is (call) calling the Linn County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net. This net meets every Sunday evening at 1900 hours local time on Cedar Rapids repeater 146.745. The alternate repeater is 145.15. Both repeaters require a 192.8 Hz tone.
First Sunday of the month:
If severe weather or any other emergency is possible, stations are encouraged to monitor this repeater. If you do not wish to monitor routine traffic, you may program your receiver to use a 250.3 Hz CTCSS tone decode. This tone will be transmitted by Net Control in the event of an actual emergency. Please remember to disable your tone before transmitting if you do not have an emergency. All Emergency Guidelines are posted on the Linn County portion of the Web site at “”.
Second Sunday of the month only:
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service consists of licensed Radio Amateurs who have registered their capabilities with the American Radio Relay League. It is the public service, emergency communications, and disaster preparedness arm of the ARRL. The purposes of this net are to familiarize ARES members with each other, for emergency preparedness training and to pass traffic.
Third Sunday of the month only:
During this net and for general use on this repeater, use the term “Emergency” or “Break Emergency” along with your call if you are requesting emergency assistance or have emergency traffic. This way, there will be no doubt to the net control or the repeater users as to the nature of the request. The word “break” should not be used just to join in a routine conversation.
Fourth Sunday of the month only:
This net accepts both Formal message traffic and Informal traffic. Informal traffic consists of announcements of interest to the general Amateur population; including club meetings, classes, exams, and requests for volunteers. Informal traffic also includes requests for technical assistance. Items for sale should also be listed in the Bandspread, the Cedar Valley ARC’s newsletter.
Fifth Sunday of the month: Pick one from above.
All stations are invited to check in with or without traffic. This is a directed net; please direct all traffic through net control, [your callsign]. My name is [your name]; location is [your location]. I’ll stand by for Emergency Coordinators and Assistant Emergency Coordinators.
Reminder: Disable 250.3 Hz tone when convenient. Suggest doing so just before acknowledging callsigns to avoid missing any of the first few check-ins.
I acknowledge [list callsigns].
Give name, county, position. For all check-ins: Note any traffic, handle doubles, ask for corrections as necessary.
Any stations with formal traffic? Please respond with your callsign only.
“Callsign only” is the standard practice for traffic nets. If any stations respond, proceed as follows:
[Callsign], list your traffic.
Then proceed to handle the station’s traffic as below. If there is more than one station with message traffic, do not proceed to the next station until traffic for the current station is dispositioned in some way.
Can anyone take traffic for [location/station]?
Arrange for traffic handlers to go to another frequency or to handle it after the net. The nets run too long to do this during the net. If no one volunteers, state I am holding traffic for [whomever] periodically during the net.
Any stations with informal traffic for the group? NCS can handle this any way desired. Common is to have stations give call and number of items because that makes logging easier.
I acknowledge [list callsigns].Any additions or corrections to this list?
[Callsign], go ahead with your traffic.
If NCS has traffic for the net, hold that until after the other stations with traffic.
I have [number] for the net.
Give traffic if you have it.
Note on following sections: we take checkins geographically because that is how weather nets are typically done. NCS is free to do these zones in any order, or to mix it up a bit on fifth Sundays and do something different just for the exercise.
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. I’ll take general check-ins from Cedar Rapids Northeast and Southeast sides.
I acknowledge (list callsigns).Any additions or corrections to this list?
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. I’ll take general check-ins from Cedar Rapids Northwest and Southwest sides.
I acknowledge (list callsigns). Any additions or corrections to this list?
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. I’ll take general check-ins from Marion.
I acknowledge (list callsigns). Any additions or corrections to this list?
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. I’ll take general check-ins from Hiawatha/Robins/Toddville.
I acknowledge (list callsigns). Any additions or corrections to this list?
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. I’ll take general check-ins from areas in Linn County not previously called.
I acknowledge (list callsigns). Any additions or corrections to this list?
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. I’ll take general check-ins from any station at any location.
I acknowledge (list callsigns). Any additions or corrections to this list?
This is (call) with the Linn County ARES net. To summarize traffic:
Provide summary of traffic here. If short on time, you do not need to provide full details.
Any questions about tonight’s traffic?
Handle as appropriate.
Optional: Any late check-ins?
That brings tonight’s total check-ins to [number] stations.
The information on the following list changes often due to equipment issues or changes in nets or what have you. This was accurate as of Sept 2023.
Remember other local nets:
- the Jones County ARES net at 2000 hours on 145.39
- the Delaware County ARES net at 2030 hours on 147.30
- the Johnson County ARES net at 2030 hours on 147.15
- The 160 meter Iowa ARES Test Net at 2130 hours on approximately 1973 kHz, lower sideband
- Benton County ARES net on Mondays at 1830 hours on 145.23
Thanks to the Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club for the use of this repeater. I now close the Linn County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net. 73 to all. This is [your callsign], clear.