Additional notes in this font.
- When the designated repeater or simplex frequency for a net is or becomes unusable, the NCS will move the net to another repeater or simplex frequency.
- Normally, steps 2 through 4 should be completed within one minute.
- Frequencies should be attempted per the Frequency Plan. If simplex operation becomes necessary, the NCS may turn over control of the net to a stronger or better-located station.
- If the net is scheduled to be held on a LCARES’ simplex frequency that is found to be unusable, the net will be moved to the other LCARES simplex frequency. If neither is available, any designated 2m simplex frequency may be used. Some frequencies, however, are designated as primary for other counties or are locally reserved for specific purposes. Please refer to the list below when choosing a frequency.
NOTE: we lost the formatting here! But the frequency information changed for a few entries anyway.
FrequencyDesignation146.400BENTON146.415AVOID: DSTAR repeater input146.430146.445146.460146.475146.490146.505LINN 1146.535146.550JONES146.565146.580BUCHANAN146.595147.405AVOID: DSTAR repeater output147.420147.435147.450CEDAR147.465DELAWARE147.480LINN 2147.495JOHNSON147.510AVOID: EIDXA packet node147.525IOWA147.540Common “ragchew,” put this last147.555147.570147.585 - The NCS, using as much power and antenna gain and height as necessary and available, and using duplex and/or simplex operation as appears to be required for the problem at hand, will attempt on the original frequency to notify other net participants that the net is moving to the new frequency. Note: In the case of a jammed repeater, there is no point in asking for net participants to “check your mics.” If the problem is a radio stuck in transmit mode (for whatever reason), that radio’s operator will not hear you.
- The NCS will begin or continue the net on its new frequency. If the check-in process isn’t complete, the NCS may (to save time) presume stations that checked in on the old frequency have moved to the new one, and will ask for only new check-ins. Exceptions: (1) Stations that had been designated to fill a specific role will be called to ensure he/she is available; (2) where regular roll calls are required, the NCS will call all stations.
- The NCS will ask for a volunteer, preferably one with a well-equipped 2m station and, in the case of a jammed repeater (stuck mic, etc.), one close to the repeater’s receive antenna. That person will notify late-comers to the net of the frequency change.
- In general, it is better – less confusing – if the net stays on the new frequency should the problem with the original frequency be resolved.
Last modified: 6 February 2020