Notes in this font. Be advised that the Duane Arnold nuclear plant is no longer operational, but there is some push to have it re-activated to power local data centers. As such, I’m including this information in the archive.
1. Scope
This SOG provides a general plan for ARES in support of an emergency at the Duane Arnold Energy Center. This plans specifically addresses the guidelines recommended for Amateur Radio operators at the Linn County EMA EOC, and includes how to provide instructions to Amateur Radio operators in the field supporting a response. Once operators have become familiar with this plan, they are encouraged to use the DAEC Event Checklist during an actual event.
2. Definitions
ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Service
CC – Communications Center
DAEC – Duane Arnold Energy Center
EC – Emergency Coordinator
EOC – Emergency Operations Center (Linn County)
LCEMA – Linn County Emergency Management Agency
SOG – Standard Operating Guideline
3. Activation Procedure
3.1 Request to Activate
A request to activate an ARES response will be made by LCEMA through the Linn County pager system. This will be backed up by telephone contact, if necessary. The request for Amateur Radio assistance will normally be made when a situation at the DAEC reaches the ALERT level.
3.2 Activation Procedure
- Attempt to notify the ARES EC and other ARES leadership via pager or telephone.
- Those alerted should coordinate on the 146.745 repeater and designate two Amateurs to respond to the EOC.
4. Responding to the EOC
- Park in the lot across the street (west) of the EOC.
- Enter the EOC via the entrance closest to the tennis courts.
- Check in at the security checkpoint. Be prepared to present proper identification.
- Receive a dosimeter kit. Complete the information required on the enclosed card, including the initial dosimeter reading.
- Wear the dosimeter and radiation monitoring badge around your neck, outside your clothes, using the neck chain enclosed in the kit.
- The primary Amateur Radio liaison should write his/her name on the White Board inside the EOC.
- Obtain the three ring binder marked “Amateur Radio” from the rack normally located near the front of the EOC.
- Complete the checklist in the binder for the appropriate level.
5. Establishing Initial Contact
- Establish contact with the State EOC, KC0EEC, via the HF station at the EOC, or via another local HF station acting as a relay station. The State EOC monitors both 3990.5 kHz (best at night) and 7250 kHz (may be better during the late morning through the early evening).
- Establish contact with the Benton County EOC via the Benton County Repeater 145.230 MHz (141.3Hz CTCSS).
- Establish a formal net on the 146.745 repeater using the 250.3 Hz CTCSS tone (memory channel 6, labeled as CVARC250). Take initial check-ins. Ask stations to check out if they are no longer able to monitor for any reason.
6. Periodic Information updates
Net control should issue status updates to all stations as the situation changes. Request acknowledgement of all significant messages from each participating station. (See Section 8 – Accountability.)
Commentary: Keep in mind that the media will be listening. The operators in the Communications Center will be provided copies of all press releases. Status updates should be based on the wording of these press releases. Exceptions may be made if specific information needs to be provided to mobiles that pertains to their personal safety. Only one copy of each EOC message may be provided to the personnel in the CC. Amateurs in the EOC should work with others operating in the CC to make sure all personnel are alerted to new messages.
7. Dosimeter Delivery
The decision to distribute dosimeter packets will be made by the Radiation Officer. Amateur Radio will be notified of the kits to be delivered and their specific destinations by the Radiation Officer or his designee. Once the quantity and destinations of kits are determined, recruit sufficient mobile stations to accomplish the delivery. Sufficient mobile stations may be recruited by the following methods, as necessary:
- Stations Checked-in on the 146.745 repeater
- Requesting additional stations to check in to 146.745 by use of the the ARES First Call List
- Requesting additional stations to check in to 146.745 by activating the full ARES Telephone Call Tree.
Instruct a number of mobiles sufficient to deliver the requested packages to :
- Fill their gas tank on the way to the EOC. (Note: This is in case lines form at gas stations later in the event.)
- Park in the lot across the street (west) of the EOC
- Enter the EOC via the entrance closest to the tennis courts
- Request the assigned dosimeter packages from the Dosimeter Coordinator at the counter just inside the first door. Be prepared to present proper identification. Each package will contain a map indicating where the package should be delivered. Note: A method is being defined to identify a specific function that should receive the kit.
- Pair up to have a minimum of two people per vehicle.
- Receive an individual dosimeter kit for use by the mobile operator.
- Receive a briefing from the Dosimeter Coordinator.
- Advise net control when each package is delivered.
Commentary: The Dosimeter Coordinator should advise each mobile on how to read the dosimeter every half hour, how to fill out the enclosed card, and the level of exposure the mobile operator should not exceed without advising net control (typically 500mR or 0.5R). Mobile operators should wear the dosimeter and radiation monitoring badge around their neck, outside their clothes, using the neck chain enclosed in the kit.
The status of units on active assignment should be tracked by net control. It is recommended to use the Emergency Net Log for this purpose.
Commentary: At this time, there is no requirement to have the recipient record the name of the person the kits were delivered to. This may become a requirement in the future.
8. Communication with Evacuation Centers
If adjacent counties are requested to prepare to support an evacuation, establish communication with these counties.
- Jones County – 145.390- 77.0 Hz
- Benton County – 145.230- 141.3Hz
- Johnson County – 145.270- 192.8
- Buchanan County – 145.330- 103.5Hz
For other counties that may need to be contacted, refer to the Area VHF/UHF Frequencies listing.
9. Accountability
It is the responsibility of Net Control to monitor the status of all units in the field. Contact with all units should be confirmed every half hour. It is recommended to use General Message Tracking Form to record message delivery and acknowledgements. (See the example.) Each row contains a column for the message communicated, and a column for each participating station to record the time that the message receipt was confirmed by the station. This form can be copied and edited electronically, or printed and filled out manually.
Commentary: The status check may be achieved by any acknowledged communication. For example, if an important message has just been acknowledged by all mobiles, there is no need to request acknowledgement of the advisory to read dosimeters.
10. Deactivation/Decontamination
Depending on the extent of any potential release of radiation, the mobiles delivering dosimeters in the affected area may be requested to report to a decontamination station to confirm they have not collected any radioactive material.
This plan was reviewed during the September 2007 ARES Planning Committee meeting. Corrections to frequencies made March 2014.